Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Healthy living in your 60's and beyond...

Being in your 60's you might be thinking about retirement, the endless time that you have got now to enjoy with your grand children or doing anything that you like. Along with all these, here is a reminder that taking care of yourself mentally and physically also should be in your mind. Start thinking about developing a new life style in which physical and mental exercises are an inevitable part. This can help you improve your health as well as also reverse the damages that has been done to the body during younger ages.

Do not allow your body and mind to retire when you do. Since this is the best part of your life that you can start doing things for yourself. As also now you are away from the busy chores of life and have all the time for yourself. Use that time to do something beneficial for yourself. Make a plan for your body and mind during retirement.

Some important steps you need to plan while planning your retirement life is start eating correct if you were never into that practice, go for regular check ups and exercise regularly. Note that mental health is also equally important as physical health. Give regular exercise to your brains as well and keep them active. Brains love to solve problems and puzzles. Keep your brain completely equipped with new and challenging thoughts. Try to learn new things, new skills and more and keep your brain engaged in a smart and healthy way.

It is high time that you quit smoking if you are into that habit. Reduce your alcohol consumption and drink in moderation. Limit processed foods and foods that are high in fats and sugar. Consume more fruits and vegetables, fiber rich foods and low fat diary products and also lean meats and other proteins. Try to include at least 30 minutes of daily exercise, it could be anything that you enjoy doing such as walking, swimming, water aerobics but be sure to consult your health care provider before you start with an exercise regimen.

Having a positive attitude towards aging can add 7.5 years to your life according to some researches. Instead about thinking the negative aspects of aging see the positive aspects of aging such as greater wisdom, life experiences and spiritual clarity that you have gained in the last three decades. I am sure that everyone is familiar with the quote "You are what you eat" but it is also true that "You are what you think". So live your life happy, healthy and smart.

Monday, 4 February 2013

A Wonder drink: Green Tea

Green tea has known to be in use since ages. Green tea is not merely a soothing drink or a beverage, in recent years the medicinal properties of green tea has been investigated significantly  and has found to have vast health benefits associated with it. Green Tea is made from the leaves of Camellia sinensis that undergoes minimal oxidation during processing. It is known to have multiple health benefits from lowering blood pressure to preventing cancer. Other teas are fermented during processing whereas green tea is not which contributes to its health benefits.

Avoiding the fermentation during processing helps it to retain the high concentration of anti oxidants, such as polyphenols making it special. It also contains many phytochemicals such as flavonoids. Flavonoids are a group of phytochemicals present in most plant products that are responsible for health effects such as anti-oxidative and anti-carcinogenic functions. Anti oxidants fight free radicals that contributes to aging and damaging of DNA and a number of other health problems such as cancer and heart disease.

 The  antioxidants, particularly the epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is a powerful anti-oxidant, besides inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, it kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. It has also been effective in lowering LDL cholesterol levels and improves the level of the good cholesterol. It also inhibits the abnormal formation of blood clots and heals wounds acting as an astringent. New researches have found that caffeine and green tea combined can help boost the metabolic rate and therefore it is also good for dieters. It is also good for gas treatments and to regulate body temperatures. It also keeps blood sugar levels down and aids in digestion.

It is also known as an effective treatment for multiple sclerosis. They also have excellent antiviral and antibacterial fighting properties due to which it also helps against tooth decays. Theanine is an amino acid naturally found in tea leaves and it is this substance that is thought to provide a relaxing and tranquilizing effect and be of help to people suffering from emotional disorders. Therefore it is a good stamina and boost endurance. Green tea may also be useful in inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis. Research suggests that green tea may help arthritis by reducing inflammation and slowing the breakdown of cartilage. Studies also show that drinking green tea is associated with reduced risk of dying from any cause.

Two or three cups of green tea per day will bring enormous changes to you and your body. However keep in mind that anything in excess will always be a bane rather than being a boon.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Role of sodium and processed foods in our diets

Sodium is one of the most abundant element on earth and is also something that is essential for the body. However it results in many complications in the human body if present in large quantities. Usually people on a low sodium diet are refrained from consuming processed foods because these processed foods are one of the main factors resulting in excess sodium in human body's. Sodium is used to flavor and also preserve processed foods.

Has anyone ever wondered why we often feel thirsty after having processed foods..? Our body contains electrolytes which are used for it's normal functioning, mainly sodium and potassium electrolytes. Electrolytes controls the body's ability to regulate water and thereby preventing dehydration. The concentration of electrolytes in our body should remain constant, but when consumption of salt/sodium increases there is an imbalance in the concentration of electrolytes in the blood that triggers the thirst mechanism in our body and causes us to consume more water. As a result of which the kidney that regulates the salt and water balance in the body will not be able to eliminate water from the body as that will cause an increase in the concentration of electrolytes. This results in the bloating of the body and weight gain. Processed foods are also calorie dense foods that also contributes to excess weight gain.

The results of retaining high or low levels of water in our bloodstream can also affect our blood pressure. Some people are "salt sensitive," which means that consumption of salt can increase their blood pressure. Sodium attracts water and holds onto it, and this causes the blood volume to increase. This makes it difficult for the blood to travel through the blood vessels, which in turn increases fluid retention as well as builds blood pressure in your arteries. This may lead to high blood pressure and potential heart attack too.
 Also a high salt intake has been shown to increase the amount of protein in the urine which is a major risk factor for the decline of kidney function. There is also increasing evidence that a high salt intake may increase the deterioration of kidneys in people already suffering from kidney problems.

 Taking all these factors into consideration it is recommended that healthy individuals refrain from consuming more than one teaspoon of salt per day (2,300 milligrams of sodium), while those suffering from kidney disease and other illnesses will find tighter restrictions such as two-thirds of a teaspoon (1,500 milligrams)of sodium even more beneficial.

Thursday, 31 January 2013

"Sun Salutation" - A step closer to wellness

Sun salutation has have been in practice since ages. It is the oldest known form of worships done to the core of our natural existence, the sun. But other than merely being a form of worship sun salutation is known to have other benefits especially when it comes to weight loss. To all those weight watchers out there, did you know that one sun salutation can help you burn around 13 to 14 calories. A set of twelve can help you burn around 150 calories that is equal to the calories burnt by half an hour of brisk walking.

 Though "Surya Namaskar" can be practiced at any time of the day the best time would be early morning in order to enjoy the complete benefits that it provides. While practicing sun salutation 95% of the muscles are in use, stretching and toning them, helping them stay supple and flexible. It is an excellent cardio vascular work out and gets your heart pumping and increases circulation through out your body. It helps in increased blood oxygenation by ample lung ventilation. It stimulates and tones your endocrine system, stimulates some glands especially the thyroid gland which is the gland that helps in metabolism and thereby keeps our body weight in control.

Alternate stretching and compression cycles helps tone internal abdominal organs which results in better digestion and bowel movements. Therefore sun salutation also helps get rid of toxins from the body. This flowing series of poses also helps reduce depression, anxiety and stress by reducing hormones responsible for stress like cortisol, which is activated by stress and is commonly known as the "Stress hormone". It also increases quantity of the good neurotransmitters like "Seratonin". This helps in improved mental focus and helps concentrate better through out the day. Practicing sun salutation  also helps in providing your face a glow and reduces the onset of aging. Since it improves blood circulation it is also good for the growth of hair and helps in problems such as graying of hair etc. 

It will be a very good practice to start including sun salutation into your daily routine as it's overall health benefits are enormous, taking us one more step closer to "Wellness"..

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Welcome to High Fiber Diet

There are many health benefits for a high fiber diet. It is known to reduce the risks of heart disease, strokes and type 2 diabetes. Dietary fiber unlike other foods such as protein, carbohydrates and fats are not absorbed into the body. It passes through the intestines modulating digestion  and finally passes out from the body. This keeps you regular and boosts your colon health. There are two types of dietary fibers. One is soluble and the other insoluble. Soluble dissolves in water to form a gel like substance and can help lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels. Examples for which are oats, peas, beans, apples, citrus fruits, carrots, and barley. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water and promotes the movement of material through your digestive system. Examples are wheat bran, grains and nut.

Some of the benefits of a high fiber diet are that it reduces cholesterol levels as the soluble fiber, beta glucan binds to bile acids that contain cholesterol and it gets eliminated before the cholesterol can do any damage. It lowers the LDL, the bad cholesterol, It also helps to lessen heart disease risks by reducing the absorption of cholesterol into the bloodstream. Fiber foods controls blood sugar as it slows down the absorption of sugar and thereby improves blood sugar levels. Fiber foods also gives a "full" feeling and are also less calorie dense. Finally it also helps prevent constipation, it adds bulk to the stool. Softens and expands the stool volume which makes it easier for it to pass through the intestine and speeds up the fecal transit and elimination.

Some of the fiber rich foods are :

Legumes, pluses such as soyabeans, lentils and chickpeas. One cup of these can provide you with around 17grams of fiber. There are very good recipes when it comes to soups with legumes. Make soups with a mixture of these different pulses with a garnishing of your choice. It makes a very nutritious and delicious meal.

Whole grains such as wheat bran, brown rice, oats and barley. They are good to be served for breakfast with a mixture of fruits of your choice. A quarter cup of which provides you with almost six grams of  fiber.

Nuts and  seeds are yet another option for you to get your daily fiber, from 28 grams of which you can approximately get 6 to 8 grams of fiber. Seeds and nuts can be used as snacks also and can be used to munch in between meals.

Fruits and vegetables also provides you with necessary fiber. Berries are all rich in fiber. One cup of berries can give you 4-8 grams of fiber depending on the fruit size. When it comes to vegetables, onions, cauliflower, broccoli, sweet corn, carrot, spinach, kale, beet greens, collard, potatoes with skin, green beans, brussel sprouts, artichokes, zucchini, cabbage and celery are good sources from which you can get around 2-8grams.

Monday, 28 January 2013

Alcohol - boon or bane ?

Did you know that alcohol consumption in moderate amounts is good for health particularly for adults of both genders and elderly people who are having existing risk factors of heart diseases and high cholesterol...? That does not mean that a teetotaler should start drinking and people who do not drink alcohol frequently should start drinking more frequent..The main word to be focused here is "MODERATE". It is beneficial if only used in moderate amounts and if used in excessive amounts it can be a deadly beverage.

Alcohol has increased levels of high density lipid profiles (HDL) that is the good cholesterol and reduced amounts of LDL. This helps in minimizing the blockages in blood vessels and arteries that leads to the heart and brain. It was found in a study that one to two drinks per day increases the HDL by twelve percentage on an average. Research demonstrates that moderate alcohol consumption is associated with better endothelial function, which contributes to better heart health and a lower risk of atherosclerosis and cardio vascular diseases. Alcohol is known to be a blood thinner and also reduces the amount of fibrinogen which helps in clotting of blood. This helps in lowering the risks for heart attacks by preventing small blood clots that block the arteries in heart, neck and brain. Thereby also reducing the chances of strokes.

In a study conducted in 85,067 women showed that light or moderate intake of alcohol was associated with 36% of lower risks of sudden cardiac deaths when compared to non drinkers. Similarly a study conducted in 22,071 males showed that light or moderate intake of alcohol(2-6 drinks per week) showed 80% lower risk of sudden cardiac deaths when compared to non drinkers. Studies showed that adults of 65 years and more who consumed alcohol 3 times a week is at a 34% lower risk of heart failures.

Alcohol is also known to improve the body's sensitivity to insulin. It may also reduce the insulin levels and may prevent diabetes. Therefore alcohol consumption in moderate amounts is also known to lower risk of diabetes in both men and women. Researchers examined the results of 15 different studies and found that moderate drinkers are less likely to have type 2 diabetes than are abstainers. Teetotalers and heavy drinkers have equally high risk of the disease. Another study of almost 21,000 physicians for over 12 years has found that men who are light to moderate drinkers have a decreased risk of Type 2 diabetes. Drinking alcohol (beer, wine, or distilled spirits) in moderation was associated with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes among women age 40-70 in a large study in the Netherlands that followed them for an average of over six years.

According to a new study in the journal "Age and aging" drinking may protect from dementia. Even though there is no clear evidence as to how alcohol helps protect against dementia, one premise suggests that alcohol might improve blood flow in the brain and thus brain metabolism, the researchers said. They offered up another theory, that small amounts of alcohol may make brain cells more fit by slightly stressing them and increasing their ability to cope with major levels of stress that can eventually cause dementia.

The social and psychological benefits of alcohol can’t be ignored. A drink before a meal can improve digestion or offer a soothing respite at the end of a stressful day; the occasional drink with friends can be a social tonic. These physical and psychic effects may contribute to health and well-being.

Now to the negative effects of alcohol. All the above said works only in the case of light to moderate amounts of drinking.It is not encouraged in children and women who are pregnant. Heavy drinking can take a toll on the body, it can cause all the reverse effects of the benefits mentioned above. It can cause inflammation of the liver leading to liver cirrhosis. Heavy drinking can also increase blood pressure and damage heart muscles. It is also known to be linked with several cancers such as ear, nose, breast, colorectal and throat cancer. There are even social problems caused due to heavy drinking.

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and others: 18.2 million Americans meet standard criteria for alcohol abuse or alcoholism.It plays a role in one in three cases of violent crimes. More than 16,000 people die each year in automobile accidents in which alcohol is involved. Also note that anything of benefit in alcohol, without the harms, is available from other substances, such as herbs, fish oil etc. "The key to healthy, moderate consumption is a regular, one to three drinks per day pattern and also to be noted that drinking a week's alcohol all in a few hours is harmful and should abstain from doing so.  So keep in mind "If one oversteps the bounds of moderation, the greatest pleasures cease to please.- Epictetus"

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Energy Drinks : Time for a Closer Look

Energy drinks are almost everywhere nowadays. Energy drinks are used to give an extra boost and to get an energetic feel. There are lots of health issues linked with these energy drinks. All age groups of people get addicted to these energy drinks. It is known that one in three teenagers regularly drink them. Energy drinks provide the same effect that caffeine and sugar provide. The caffeine content of energy drinks range from 80–300 mg per 16-oz serving whereas a 16-oz cup of coffee can contain 70–200 mg. This increased level of caffeine when mixed with other unregulated herbal stimulants like Taurine, Guarana, Creatine and B vitamins are said to be a dangerous mix.

The caffeine content of energy drinks ranges from 50-500+ mg which is equal to three to four cups of coffee. Increased amount of caffeine causes serious side effects including paranoia and delusions. Caffeine increases your heart rate, elevates your blood pressure, and can contribute to the development of heart disease. It can even lead to death if taken in large amounts. Doctors recommend no more than 1/16 tsp. Emotional disorders are also other side effects of caffeine.

Energy drinks are also loaded with artificial sweeteners and sugar. One can of energy drink contains the equivalent of nearly 10 teaspoons of sugar. Therefore long time consumption of this can lead to Type 2 Diabetes. And if it is artificial sweeteners, gastric hormones are released when consumed and this makes your brain confused that food is present but "Zero Calories" released and  you develop an appetite craving typically 30-60 minutes after consuming an artificially sweetened beverage which can lead to over eating and causes obesity. For more information read http://thewellnessdiet.blogspot.ca/2013/01/do-artificial-sweetners-really-help.html

Sports drinks are also a type of energy drinks used by athletes. The difference is that while energy drinks contain caffeine sports drink does not contain caffeine. However this too causes problems due to the different acids present in it. The different acids present in these energy drinks and sports drinks such as carbonic acid, citric acid and phosphoric acid can dissolve tooth enamel (causing tooth rot and yellow teeth), raise the risk of stomach damage and ulcers, cause bone breakdown, osteoporosis, and bone fractures, and upset the fragile “acid-alkaline” balance in the human body.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Amazing Olives

Olive is a tree that is amazingly beneficial to mankind. It is native to the Mediterranean basin. Greeks consume about 25 kg of olive oil in a year while the consumption of North America is 5 kilos a year. Greek's increased consumption of this healthy fat clearly shows the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet. It has been linked to reduced risk of cardio vascular diseases and also a lower risk of cancer. Here is a much closer look into the health benefits of this oval shaped fruit.

Cholesterol gets oxidized by free radicals and that causes damage of blood vessels and deposit of fats in arteries leading to heart diseases. Olives contain both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that prevents inflammation and protects the heart, brain and nervous systems. It also contains antioxidant nutrients which prevents oxidation of cholesterol and prevents risk of  heart diseases. Olives contain what is called as "Good Fat" that minimizes the risk of atherosclerosis. Daily consumption of olives is also good as it replaces the damaged lining of the arteries of the heart better and thereby slows down the aging of heart.

Olives are also known for its abundance in vitamin E. Oxidation stress and chronic inflammation can lead to cancers. Olives contain phenolic antioxidants and high levels of monounsaturated fatty acids which lowers the risk of excessive inflammation. Olives are also believed to contain significant quantities of anti cancer compounds such as squalene and terpenoid. Because of the oleic acid and monounsaturated fatty acids it also lowers the risk of high blood pressure.

Osteoporosis is a condition of bones caused by hormonal imbalance and inflammation of joints. Olives help breakdown of calcium in the body thereby supplying calcium to be stored in the bones and as said earlier olives are also rich in monounsaturated fats that prevents fat from being deposited in bone marrows and increases the absorption of calcium to the bones reducing the risk of osteoporosis and also arthritis.

A significant amount of iron is present in olives that is responsible for formation of hemoglobin which carries oxygen through blood in our body. It also has enzymes responsible for increasing immunity in our body and the proper immunity of our body depends on sufficient amount of iron in our body. Olives is also used for the treatment of constipation and as a pain killer, in ears, for minor burns, wounds and also to protect skin from UV damage after sun exposure.

It is also known to have anti bacterial and anti fungal properties, one cup of olives constitute 10% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin A, which when converted into the retinal form is crucial for healthy eyes, vitamin A is also effective against cataracts, glaucoma, muscular degeneration and other age related diseases. It is also beneficial against ulcers and gastritis. Leaf of olives is known to be used for the treatment of pneumonia, tuberculosis, malaria,blood poisoning and other infections as well. 

Olive oil with all it's nourishing effects has known to be a beauty staple of women for ages. It is used both for skin care and also hair care. The vitamins E, K, potent oxidants and chlorophyll helps in the repair and feeds the skin cells, along with deep moisturizing. A serving of seven to eight olives or two tablespoons of olive oil per day can you keep healthy.


Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Low Carb Diet and its effects

Carbohydrates constitute the major portion of our diet and the major source of fuel for our body. A low carbohydrate diet restricts the consumption of carbohydrates. Though this is usually followed as a diet for obesity and might present short term weight loss, it is not recommended. As it may lead to serious health issues if followed on a long term basis. By being on a low carb diet our body is being deprived of many vital nutrients and minerals.

There are also other reasons why low carbohydrate diets are not advised. When a person consumes a usual diet the glucose required for the body is obtained from carbohydrates being converted. However when there is a restriction in the amount of carbohydrates consumed the body starts to convert protein and fats for glucose and this may result in muscle loss. Since this diet restricts the usage of carbohydrates, sources of calories recommended in this diet comes from proteins and fats. Most often the fats consumed will be high saturated fats and cholesterol, which over a period of time may lead to heart disease and other cardiovascular problems. It also restricts the body of important nutrients and minerals.

According to a study by Dr. Frank Hu in the "Annals of Internal Medicine," people who followed a low-carb vegetable-based plan resulted in reduced rates of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer, and a lower rate of all-cause death overall. Whereas people who had a low carb diet high in animal products had a 23 percent greater risk of death, 14 percent higher risk of heart disease and 28 percent higher risk of cancer. Since low carb diets includes more animal based proteins and fats, there is also a higher risk for the type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease.

So if at all you are on a low carb diet try to get your fats mostly from vegetable oils, nuts and peanut butter. Proteins from legumes, nuts, soy, tofu and whole grains instead of bacon and sausage.  Being on a low carb diet also leads to a situation known as Ketosis. Ketosis is when the body starts to burn fat instead of burning carbs. If not properly monitored this may lead to strain on kidneys and thereby increasing the risk of developing kidney stones as more calcium is excreted through urine. A low carb and a high protein diet is not recommended. 

Therefore if you are going for a low carb diet see to that you do not avoid carbs completely as you need some in your body to metabolize fat. Choose carbohydrate-rich foods that are unrefined or unprocessed, including whole grains and fruit, rather than the more refined and energy-dense forms such as cakes, sweets and soft drinks. Have a variety of vegetables daily. Select protein rich foods that are low in saturated fat and also plant based proteins should be included. Examples for them are fish, lean chicken, nuts, legumes etc.

Monday, 21 January 2013

“Never waste any time you can spend sleeping.” - Frank H. Knight

Insufficient sleep is a growing issue in the modern world. Sleep is the factor that governs the quality of our life that we spend when we are awake. A 2004 Stanford study showed that sleep duration is an important regulator of body weight and metabolism. It is when we sleep growth, maintenance and repair of muscles, bones and tissues of the body happens, and at a much faster rate than when awake. And though getting eight hours of sleep is not the major solution for obesity, it can be one of the solutions to growing obesity in today's world.

Ghrelin is a hunger stimulating hormone and leptin is a a mediator of long-term regulation of energy balance, suppressing food intake and thereby inducing weight loss. When you are sleep deprived leptin levels go down and ghrelin levels go high. The result is a 45% increased craving for high carbohydrate and calorie rich foods. So now you clearly see why a sleep deprived person has a tendency to snack on these kinds of foods which results in obesity.

What happens when you get a good night's sleep of eight hours..? The quality of your life improves, you feel better. By getting sufficient amount of sleep the brain replenishes supply of neuro transmitters which includes the feel good chemicals "Serotonin and Melatonin" that boosts our mood through out the day. And when there is a lack of this we feel irritable and out of moods. Sleep plays a vital role in promoting physical health and longevity. Sleep helps to repair your body and helps keep your heart healthy.

Your body produces extra protein molecules when you sleep, and these boosts your immune system by mending your body in cellular level helping you to fight infections, and stress when you are exposed to pollutants and keep you healthy. Sleep also helps to slow the effects of aging by fixing the tear and wears which occurs as a result of physical stress and regenerate new cells by encouraging a state of relaxation. Regeneration of cells happen in the brain as well, which helps the brain to perform more efficiently after a good one night sleep. It's efficiency, retention power, understanding and processing power increases.

Here are some tips to get a good night sleep. Go to bed regularly every night at the same time and wake up at the same time everyday. Once it becomes a habit your body will automatically feel sleepy when it is the right time for you to go to bed. Do not got to bed hungry or too full as both causes an uncomfortable feeling and can keep you away from falling asleep. Avoid drinking coffee before you go to bed as caffeine, alcohol and other drugs has that stimulating effects that can prevent your body from falling into a state of relaxation. Avoid having Tv's or computers in your bedrooms as the light from these might suppress melatonin which helps regulate sleep.

Have a bath before you go to bed and use dim lights in your room, listen to some music but see to that it is not loud enough to keep you awake You can use eye masks to create a dark room as the darker it is the more you will sleep. Last but not least, physical exercises also contribute to good sleep.It helps you fall asleep much faster and deeper.

Healthy living in 30's

In your early thirties you don't look much different from what you looked in your twenties, your body is slowly undergoing changes. 30's are a great age where most of the people go through momentous occasions of life, their career, family, kids and so. Many a  times days become too hectic for us that we hardly get any time for ourselves. However you might be able to notice slight changes in your bodies, like you might not be able to do something in the same speed that you used to do a couple of years back.

Here are Some basic advice to conquer the changes going on in your body and also to fuel up for the challenges for the future. When it comes to nutrition, eating the best food for your age is the secret. You should be aware of the fact that the metabolism rate that allowed you to burn through pizzas and pies in your 20's are gradually slowing down. This is true especially for women, and will find it difficult to lose weight. The percentage of lean muscle tissue also gradually starts to go down and fat increases..Overweight and risk of chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, heart diseases is at a high. Some fine lines or wrinkles also start being visible during this time, exfoliating may help here to an extent. 

Women also start loosing their bone mass gradually from the onset of 30's. This is a result of losing calcium, and one in four American women will develop osteoporosis in her life time. Women should take at least 1500 mg. calcium a day to prevent hip and spine fractures;vitamin D to help bones absorb calcium and maintain bone density, and vitamin C to help absorb calcium and iron to maintain tissues, bones and teeth. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables provide a significant source of phytonutrients, or vitamins, required by the body to function at optimal levels and also have antioxidants properties, which fight toxins that enter the body. 

Limit intake of processed foods and fast foods. Also go down on your salt intake as it can result in high blood pressure, heart conditions and stomach cancer. Keep yourself hydrated. Water can eliminate all the toxins off your body and help the skin feel and look more young and radiant.

With so much pressure on your neck it can be understood that it is difficult, however if you can find some time to fit in for your exercise it is going to help you perform better in all your daily chores, at work,at home and everywhere. You will feel more energetic and lively. Exercise also helps you fetch good sleep which is also an important factor for your longevity in your thirties. Since it is the time when all the repair and regeneration of new cells occur. Overnight, skin cells regenerate and facial muscles that create lines relax. It also plays critical role in immune function, metabolism, memory, learning, and other vital functions.

Importance of Diet in Kids

Diet for children is a challenge especially in today's market where many foods are made colorful so that children get attracted to it. Most of these foods are high in saturated fats, sugar or salt and are often sponsored by cartoon characters. It is important to keep in mind that the food choices that are made during this time of their life influences their future health and also their food habits in the future. It is very important that children are given sufficient amount of nutrients that their body requires during this time as their is a high energy requirement for growth.

The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating has divided food for kids into groups and termed them as "Everyday Foods". 

Breads, cereals, brown rice and pasta contains a vitamin named folate which is essential for growth and therefore this should be the food group that should make the biggest portion of their diet. But healthy intake of this group of food is low in some children especially those who miss their breakfast. Instead carbohydrate source comes from candies, sugared juices and other processed foods which are unhealthy choices of carbohydrates.

Calcium and protein is important as calcium helps in the growth of healthy bones and teeth. Protein is required for control of metabolism, repair of all body cells and for  growth. The sources of calcium and proteins for children should be milk, yoghurt, cheese, meat, fish, eggs and nuts and green leafy vegetables. In a child's diet there should be three servings of calcium rich food a day. For example a glass of orange juice that is calcium certified, a slice of cheddar or ricotta cheese and a cup of plain yoghurt. 

Vegetables and fruits are beneficial for kids as they are for adults. They are full of vitamins, minerals, phytochemical and fiber. Encourage children to consume brightly colored varieties of canned, frozen, fresh or dried fruits and vegetables. Replace solid fats with vegetable and nut oils, which are good sources of essential fatty acids and vitamin E. Oils are naturally present in olives, nuts, avocados and seafood.

Some of the important fats that should be included in children's diet are the omega-3 and omega-6. Good sources of omega-3 fatty acids are tuna, nuts, salmon, sardine and sesame seeds. Avocado, sunflower seeds and almonds are rich in omega-6.

Limit the intake of salt so that it helps reduce the risk of high blood pressure in adulthood. Also reduce the use of sauces and salty processed foods and develop a liking in children for less salty or non salty food early in their lives. Limit the amount of sugar and sugary foods taken, as almost every children have a sweet tooth, encourage them to stay away from high sugar foods and juices as they may also cause tooth decay. Some sugar free or diet drinks can also cause decay because of their acidity. Milk and water are the best drinks that can be given to children.

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Healthy Aging

As we age , our bodies and minds are entitled to changes. Aging is a life long process and as time passes by it starts to affect each and every organ ,cell and structure of your body and at some point of time in our lives we notice age creeping on us, a few gray hairs, few wrinkles. Though we cannot stop this process of aging, we can try to minimize its impacts by living a healthier life and by making correct choices.

Some basic tips to healthy aging:

A balanced diet is the most important. As we age our metabolism starts to slow down and we will find it difficult to shed pounds off from your body, this is especially true in cases of women who has a slower metabolism rate than men. Therefore be choosy with the foods that you eat and also remember that aging also starts affecting your organs and cells. So be good to them, don't overload them. Avoid saturated fats and processed foods as these can cause hardening of your arteries and thereby increase the risk of blood pressure and also increases heart rate. So stick onto more vegetables, fruits, lean meat, fiber foods and whole grain foods. Avoid sweets. Keep yourself hydrated as lack of fluids can cause health problems related to your digestive system. Also limit your intake of salt.

Avoid smoking. It improves the blood circulation and therefore in turn it boosts the body's immunity system and making it easier for physical activities. Avoiding smoking has also been known to slow facial aging as the skin gets more nutrients,and is freed of all the toxins rushed into the body. The lung capacity increases, as you age the efficiency of your lungs start to decrease, you can slow the impacts of aging on your lungs too by avoiding  smoking. 

The next tip for healthy aging is to keep your mind and body active. As you age it also starts affecting your memory. It takes more time for you to recall things. You will be finding it difficult to remember names that you are always used to.  Be social as it helps ward off depression and stress. It can contribute to memory efficiency. It is always noted that people who do not have or have less social ties are more easily given into memory related issues. Social ties can keep your mind always engaged in activities that challenges the mind. Limit your alcohol intake as it is toxic to brain cells and can lead to memory loss. Therefore it is advised to limit your alcohol intake to 1-2 drinks per day.Do not forget to include physical activities as well. 

The next thing to remember is not to miss your regular check ups this is the best thing that you can do for yourself, By going on for your regular check ups you can get an idea on how well you are doing.  Many health problems can be prevented by going on for an annual check up. Annual check ups also gives an opportunity to review the medications taken and dosages can be also altered depending on the performance of your body and mind.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Is red meat harmful for health?

Many studies conducted over the last two decades have been revealing that red meat is harmful to health. I have heard people saying that they know the harmful effects of that red meat and processed meats however continue to have them because of its taste and because of the "Filling: feel it gives. It is true that red meat has lots of protein loaded in it but it is also true that red meat is high in saturated fat, which in turn raises the blood cholesterol levels. And high levels of LDL leads to increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and chances of cancer.

Studies led by Dr. An Pan, Harvard School of Public Health, analyzed more than 121,000 men and women for over two decades. Their eating and lifestyle habits, the amount of red meat consumed, were carefully tracked during this period and also their health outcomes. During this period nearly 24,000 participants died. Out of which 5910 participants suffered from cardiovascular diseases and 9,464 suffered from cancer. The study finally revealed that an additional single serving of meat a day contributed to a 13% increased risk of dying and an additional single serving of processed meat a day increased the risk by 20%.

Another study published by the American Journal of clinical nutrition found that a 50grams daily serving of processed meat doubled the risk of diabetes. Red meat and processed meat also has found to increase the risk of ischemic stroke, which accounts for 87% of all stroke cases. This is caused due to the high levels of saturated fats in red meat and processed meats. Red meat also contains high levels of heme iron, increased doses of which can cause oxidative stress, increased peroxidation of lipids, DNA damage and protein modification. Excessive consumption of heme iron thereby leads to cardiovascular diseases, neurological disorders, chronic inflammation and also atherosclerosis.

Red meat is also known to increase the risk of digestive cancer. This is mainly due to two factors, one of them is that cooking of red meats lead to formation of carbon based amines, which increases the risk of this type of cancer and the second is because of the digestive load it places on the pancreas, which can also result in development of metabolic disorders.

A good thing is that all the health benefits that red meats offer can be substituted with healthier alternatives such as lean meats, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fish and beans providing you with enough amount of iron, protein and fiber. Then why to stick onto something which we know can bring premature death by clogging your arteries?

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Beat Winter Weight Gains...

Who does not enjoy steaming hot chocolate or a creamy coffee on a cold winter morning ? This is the season of the year when people tend to gain weight. Winter makes you feel lethargic, it being cold and dark outside everyone likes to stay indoors, cuddle up in a warm blanket, watch movies and snack. The extra pounds gained during this time of the year may stay year after year and finally lead to serious health issues and obesity .Simple changes in your diet plan and habits can offer you enormous health benefits.

Here are some tips to beat this winter weight gain :

Cut down on the hours that you spend in front of the screens, and keep moving even  if it is inside your house. Did you know that washing your plates for half an hour, helps you lose around 75 to 80 calories. Vacuuming or sweeping floors of your house for an hour helps you lose calories more than two hundred! So instead of couching in front of fire places try doing some household chores.

 More and more studies have revealed that you develop a tendency to eat more during winters. The reason behind this is the lack of sunlight and short daylight hours.The sleep hormone levels are reduced when we are exposed to sunlight and therefore you remain active during summer. Another hormone named "Serotonin" level increases with light and it is this hormone that regulates some physical functions such as eating and other emotional functions like mood and energy levels. During winter it is vitamin D that helps rise this hormone level. Light is required which produces cholecalciferol, which the body transform to vitamin D, that in turn helps increase the level of "Serotonin",  thereby keeping your moods and energy levels high.

Go out for a stoll outside when the temperatures are comparativley low. Stick onto a regular schedule for physical activities. Physical activities, if not possible outdoors, try to get a membership to the gym. There are lots of  centers having indoor table tennis and badminton courts. Heated indoor swimming pools too are an option to keep yourself active.Try to get eight hours of sleep because else the part of our brain responsible for self control will have to be compromised by sleep loss. Start your day with a high fiber or high protein breakfast that might help you from over eating through out the day.

Keep away from alcohols, it is loaded with calories. Avoid hot chocolates or cream laded coffees. Instead you can try some herbal tea with a squeeze of lemon juice in it, or black tea, green tea are also two good options as they have antioxidants and are also low in calories. Remember to stay hydrated. Many a times our body gets confused between thirst and hunger. The body maybe crying out for water, but we think it is hunger and find ourselves digging into food shelves.