Monday, 28 January 2013

Alcohol - boon or bane ?

Did you know that alcohol consumption in moderate amounts is good for health particularly for adults of both genders and elderly people who are having existing risk factors of heart diseases and high cholesterol...? That does not mean that a teetotaler should start drinking and people who do not drink alcohol frequently should start drinking more frequent..The main word to be focused here is "MODERATE". It is beneficial if only used in moderate amounts and if used in excessive amounts it can be a deadly beverage.

Alcohol has increased levels of high density lipid profiles (HDL) that is the good cholesterol and reduced amounts of LDL. This helps in minimizing the blockages in blood vessels and arteries that leads to the heart and brain. It was found in a study that one to two drinks per day increases the HDL by twelve percentage on an average. Research demonstrates that moderate alcohol consumption is associated with better endothelial function, which contributes to better heart health and a lower risk of atherosclerosis and cardio vascular diseases. Alcohol is known to be a blood thinner and also reduces the amount of fibrinogen which helps in clotting of blood. This helps in lowering the risks for heart attacks by preventing small blood clots that block the arteries in heart, neck and brain. Thereby also reducing the chances of strokes.

In a study conducted in 85,067 women showed that light or moderate intake of alcohol was associated with 36% of lower risks of sudden cardiac deaths when compared to non drinkers. Similarly a study conducted in 22,071 males showed that light or moderate intake of alcohol(2-6 drinks per week) showed 80% lower risk of sudden cardiac deaths when compared to non drinkers. Studies showed that adults of 65 years and more who consumed alcohol 3 times a week is at a 34% lower risk of heart failures.

Alcohol is also known to improve the body's sensitivity to insulin. It may also reduce the insulin levels and may prevent diabetes. Therefore alcohol consumption in moderate amounts is also known to lower risk of diabetes in both men and women. Researchers examined the results of 15 different studies and found that moderate drinkers are less likely to have type 2 diabetes than are abstainers. Teetotalers and heavy drinkers have equally high risk of the disease. Another study of almost 21,000 physicians for over 12 years has found that men who are light to moderate drinkers have a decreased risk of Type 2 diabetes. Drinking alcohol (beer, wine, or distilled spirits) in moderation was associated with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes among women age 40-70 in a large study in the Netherlands that followed them for an average of over six years.

According to a new study in the journal "Age and aging" drinking may protect from dementia. Even though there is no clear evidence as to how alcohol helps protect against dementia, one premise suggests that alcohol might improve blood flow in the brain and thus brain metabolism, the researchers said. They offered up another theory, that small amounts of alcohol may make brain cells more fit by slightly stressing them and increasing their ability to cope with major levels of stress that can eventually cause dementia.

The social and psychological benefits of alcohol can’t be ignored. A drink before a meal can improve digestion or offer a soothing respite at the end of a stressful day; the occasional drink with friends can be a social tonic. These physical and psychic effects may contribute to health and well-being.

Now to the negative effects of alcohol. All the above said works only in the case of light to moderate amounts of drinking.It is not encouraged in children and women who are pregnant. Heavy drinking can take a toll on the body, it can cause all the reverse effects of the benefits mentioned above. It can cause inflammation of the liver leading to liver cirrhosis. Heavy drinking can also increase blood pressure and damage heart muscles. It is also known to be linked with several cancers such as ear, nose, breast, colorectal and throat cancer. There are even social problems caused due to heavy drinking.

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and others: 18.2 million Americans meet standard criteria for alcohol abuse or alcoholism.It plays a role in one in three cases of violent crimes. More than 16,000 people die each year in automobile accidents in which alcohol is involved. Also note that anything of benefit in alcohol, without the harms, is available from other substances, such as herbs, fish oil etc. "The key to healthy, moderate consumption is a regular, one to three drinks per day pattern and also to be noted that drinking a week's alcohol all in a few hours is harmful and should abstain from doing so.  So keep in mind "If one oversteps the bounds of moderation, the greatest pleasures cease to please.- Epictetus"

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