Monday, 21 January 2013

“Never waste any time you can spend sleeping.” - Frank H. Knight

Insufficient sleep is a growing issue in the modern world. Sleep is the factor that governs the quality of our life that we spend when we are awake. A 2004 Stanford study showed that sleep duration is an important regulator of body weight and metabolism. It is when we sleep growth, maintenance and repair of muscles, bones and tissues of the body happens, and at a much faster rate than when awake. And though getting eight hours of sleep is not the major solution for obesity, it can be one of the solutions to growing obesity in today's world.

Ghrelin is a hunger stimulating hormone and leptin is a a mediator of long-term regulation of energy balance, suppressing food intake and thereby inducing weight loss. When you are sleep deprived leptin levels go down and ghrelin levels go high. The result is a 45% increased craving for high carbohydrate and calorie rich foods. So now you clearly see why a sleep deprived person has a tendency to snack on these kinds of foods which results in obesity.

What happens when you get a good night's sleep of eight hours..? The quality of your life improves, you feel better. By getting sufficient amount of sleep the brain replenishes supply of neuro transmitters which includes the feel good chemicals "Serotonin and Melatonin" that boosts our mood through out the day. And when there is a lack of this we feel irritable and out of moods. Sleep plays a vital role in promoting physical health and longevity. Sleep helps to repair your body and helps keep your heart healthy.

Your body produces extra protein molecules when you sleep, and these boosts your immune system by mending your body in cellular level helping you to fight infections, and stress when you are exposed to pollutants and keep you healthy. Sleep also helps to slow the effects of aging by fixing the tear and wears which occurs as a result of physical stress and regenerate new cells by encouraging a state of relaxation. Regeneration of cells happen in the brain as well, which helps the brain to perform more efficiently after a good one night sleep. It's efficiency, retention power, understanding and processing power increases.

Here are some tips to get a good night sleep. Go to bed regularly every night at the same time and wake up at the same time everyday. Once it becomes a habit your body will automatically feel sleepy when it is the right time for you to go to bed. Do not got to bed hungry or too full as both causes an uncomfortable feeling and can keep you away from falling asleep. Avoid drinking coffee before you go to bed as caffeine, alcohol and other drugs has that stimulating effects that can prevent your body from falling into a state of relaxation. Avoid having Tv's or computers in your bedrooms as the light from these might suppress melatonin which helps regulate sleep.

Have a bath before you go to bed and use dim lights in your room, listen to some music but see to that it is not loud enough to keep you awake You can use eye masks to create a dark room as the darker it is the more you will sleep. Last but not least, physical exercises also contribute to good sleep.It helps you fall asleep much faster and deeper.

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