Thursday, 31 January 2013

"Sun Salutation" - A step closer to wellness

Sun salutation has have been in practice since ages. It is the oldest known form of worships done to the core of our natural existence, the sun. But other than merely being a form of worship sun salutation is known to have other benefits especially when it comes to weight loss. To all those weight watchers out there, did you know that one sun salutation can help you burn around 13 to 14 calories. A set of twelve can help you burn around 150 calories that is equal to the calories burnt by half an hour of brisk walking.

 Though "Surya Namaskar" can be practiced at any time of the day the best time would be early morning in order to enjoy the complete benefits that it provides. While practicing sun salutation 95% of the muscles are in use, stretching and toning them, helping them stay supple and flexible. It is an excellent cardio vascular work out and gets your heart pumping and increases circulation through out your body. It helps in increased blood oxygenation by ample lung ventilation. It stimulates and tones your endocrine system, stimulates some glands especially the thyroid gland which is the gland that helps in metabolism and thereby keeps our body weight in control.

Alternate stretching and compression cycles helps tone internal abdominal organs which results in better digestion and bowel movements. Therefore sun salutation also helps get rid of toxins from the body. This flowing series of poses also helps reduce depression, anxiety and stress by reducing hormones responsible for stress like cortisol, which is activated by stress and is commonly known as the "Stress hormone". It also increases quantity of the good neurotransmitters like "Seratonin". This helps in improved mental focus and helps concentrate better through out the day. Practicing sun salutation  also helps in providing your face a glow and reduces the onset of aging. Since it improves blood circulation it is also good for the growth of hair and helps in problems such as graying of hair etc. 

It will be a very good practice to start including sun salutation into your daily routine as it's overall health benefits are enormous, taking us one more step closer to "Wellness"..

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