There are numerous studies revealing eating disorders as a way used to cope up with emotions. Experts estimate 75% of overeating caused due to stress, depression, low self esteem and other negative emotions. These kind of people tend to overeat without any control and then feel guilty and even more depressed about their act. They feel that they are stuck in a vicious circle of emotions and overeating. However these can be taken care of, for which first you need to identify and realize this circle of depression, overeating and then depression again, like a merry go round.
We are very cautious about drugs such as cocaine, we think about them as addictive, however we are unaware of the fact that people nowadays are being more and more addicted to food which also has the same affects of a drug. People who are addicted to drinking , smoking or any other kinds of drugs feels good by using them. This "feel good" or "high" is the result of release of a substance named"Beta Endorphin" into your brain cells. Beta Endorphin produces a sense of well being, eases emotional distress and increases self esteem. This is exactly why people tend to search for substances that help release beta endorphin when they are in some kind of an emotional stress.
When you binge on comfort foods such as macaroni and cheese or chocolates you feel relieved of your emotional distress, you "feel good" temporarily and tend to approach these kinds of food again when you go low. This addiction also results in obesity and other serious diseases. Junk foods can hijack the brain just as any drug does. Twenty eight scientific studies and papers showing food as an addiction had been released by the National Library of Medicine in 2011.
There is always a misconception that over eaters are lazy and do not care about how they look. This is absolutely false. These kinds of people are very much worried about their weight and appearance and constantly try some kinds of diet to lose weight, however they tend to regain them if they haven't learn t to deal with their addiction to food.
Some characteristics of compulsive over eaters are, they often tend to eat alone, they are unable to control their food cravings and feel disgusted on their behavior. They feel embarrassed about their behavior so they often have secretive eating patterns, hide food in places and they feel that food is their only way out of all the stress they are going through. In short they start feeling that food is their only friend.
So once you identify your addiction towards foods, and the next time you feel you are depressed and your body starts to call for overeating or to indulge in any kind of comfort foods, try to keep yourself engaged by going out for a walk or a jog, or doing some breathing exercises. Just do something that keeps your mind away from "Food" which is more addictive than drugs.
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