An exciting study released in the Journal of Behavioral Neuroscience, conducted on rats showed that the use of artificial sweeteners stimulated appetite and also lowered the metabolism rate.Another study showed that test animals had the
urge to eat more food after ingesting artificial sweeteners, lasting up
to 90 minutes. Our body is biologically adapted to seeking calorie sources. Once our body tastes something sweet we feel we want more f it. The sweet taste of artificial sweeteners triggers your body to expect calories and when you do not provide the body with the necessary energy it is expecting, hunger strikes and people tend to seek more calories from different sources. This results in an inclination to overindulge which in turn results in obesity.
Artificial sweeteners also tricks your brain by not providing it with the expected nutrients, what happens finally is the brain slowly fails to realize or loses its ability to count calories that enters the body, thereby also slowing down the metabolic rate. Therefore even if you are consuming fewer amount of calories there will be not much difference in your weight loss due to the lower metabolism caused due to the violation of our bodies basic survival law and it's ability to regulate the intake of calories.
Over the past 15 to 20 years there has been a steady increase in the consumption of artificial sweeteners. They are in almost anything that you shop from gums to cookies, muffins, juices,you name it....Incidence of obesity has also increased markedly during the same span. A survey from Calorie Control Council shows that the second most popular low calorie drink in The United States of America is the "diet drink". The diet drinks for example the "diet cola" is a deadly combination of Aspartame and Caffeine which is really harmful. This blend produces an excitotoxin which kills the brain cells, before they die they enter a state of excitement which gives you that buzz . Particularly women do it as a way to keep their weight off,they do not eat instead they drink diet sodas which goes up to 2 Liters a day. Studies show that if you start drinking diet sodas in a couple of years you will be weighing double from what you were when you started drinking it.
Some of the harmful effects of Aspartame are migraine, different types of cancer,frontal lobe inflammation,visual distortions and fluid retention.Many pilots in the Pilot Association are aware of the fact that they can't drink diet sodas before they go on a flight as there is this risk of visual disturbances.The type of artificial sweeteners can be a bit confusing because of the terminologies used. For instance some manufacturers use the label "Natural" for their products even if they are processed or refined foods. People fall in for these labels and binge on things which they consider are free of calories, the result : "Obesity". It is known that 68% of US adults are obese.
To summarize if you crave for a bit of sweetness in your coffee, there is no harm adding a bit of sugar. A teaspoon of sugar gives you only 15 calories. It is better than leaving your cells malnourished and starved of nutrients, where you go into a state of eating and eating but still feeling empty.
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